Interesting Read...

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Fun CH
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Re: Interesting Read...

Post by Fun CH »

Rideback, it not about Trump. He may have perfected the art of misdirection, but divisiveness in this country has been going on for a long, long time, long before you and I or our grandfather's were born. Remember there was a civil war in the 1860's, still not the start of divisiveness.

It's about ending divisive demonizing Behavior ( such as derogatory name calling) because most of us want strong, cooperative and inclusive communities.

"When you hear someone criticize a policy on the other side, that's fine. But when you start hearing motive-mongering and demonization, stand up to it just as you would if it were something that was racist or sexist. If we avoid the demonization, disagreements can be positive.

Jonathan Haidt"
What's so funny 'bout peace love and understanding--Nick Lowe
Can't talk to a man who don't want to understand--Carol King
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Re: Interesting Read...

Post by Rideback »

Still and again, Trump's lies continue to lead the charge for divisiveness in this country and more. Calling those lies out and digging for the truth are the only ways to get back to common ground. Context is everything as this piece points out for your charge against Obama and the Afghanistan decision. ... at-mission

Trump's lies live in a glass house. If you want to attack Hunter B, remember that he is a private citizen and works independently of govt and from his father. Yes the name Biden more than likely influenced his access to his work. But after years of investigations, including in Trump's DoJ, there's been no association of wrong doing connected to Burisma or China. So far all that has come up has been having a gun in his house and a minor misfiling on a tax form. But that Trump glass house would include Don Jr's actions that are under investigation for the millions he misused while working for Trump Org; Jared & Ivanka are under investigation for the Saudi billions with a B that they set in play while acting within govt as Trump advisors. Hunter B is small potatoes in comparison.

Your taunt about the local wildfire fighters is misplaced as they aren't Trump, they're not the ones who are telling lies to win an election or raise money.
Fun CH
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Re: Interesting Read...

Post by Fun CH »

Rideback wrote: Thu Mar 30, 2023 9:46 am I want Trump to stop lying because his lies destroy thing. Case in point. You. The list you give of reasons to distrust Biden are based on Trump lies, not in the truth. It's that simple. We're having this discussion because of Trump's lies.

btw ... d-ukraine/
We're having this conversation not because of Trump's lies, but because many on the left can't see the role they play in further dividing our Republic.

You are not going to stop people from telling lies who choose to lie especially if it makes them money and or gain power over others, ie supports their agenda. You are right to question Trump's lies, just as the right is justified in questioning Hunter Biden's role in China and Ukraine.

And NO your statement here is false, "The list you give of reasons to distrust Biden are based on Trump lies, not in the truth."

Biden lied when he approved Drilling in the Arctic against his campaign promise of not doing so. Trump had nothing to do with that.

And it is true Biden used his influence to get his son a job on Ukrainian energy company board at a time when the company owner was under investigation for corruption.

"But in the ABC News interview, Hunter Biden opined that his father’s political career likely played a role in his appointment — as it has affected many things in his life.

“I think there’s a lot of things that wouldn’t have happened in my life if my last name wasn’t Biden,” he said."-WP

Point is, the Trump supporter who saves your arse from fire, supplies your food, builds your home etc,etc, is not your enemy and deserves respect. Same goes with community members who are on the left who provides those same services to people on the right.

We are all part of the same tribe, its called the human race.

Let's tell all corrupt politicians to take a hike and sell their division somewhere else. But that starts with removing your blinders.

"Morality binds and blinds. It binds us into ideological teams that fight each other as though the fate of the world depended on our side winning each battle. It blinds us to the fact that each team is composed of good people who have something important to say." J. Haidt
What's so funny 'bout peace love and understanding--Nick Lowe
Can't talk to a man who don't want to understand--Carol King
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Re: Interesting Read...

Post by Rideback »

I want Trump to stop lying because his lies destroy thing. Case in point. You.
The list you give of reasons to distrust Biden are based on Trump lies, not in the truth. It's that simple. We're having this discussion because of Trump's lies.

btw ... d-ukraine/
Fun CH
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Re: Interesting Read...

Post by Fun CH »

Rideback wrote: Wed Mar 29, 2023 7:50 pm We tried rising above it with Michelle Obama's 'they go low we go high'. Trump and the leadership and Fox just went lower and lower.

How do you propose stopping Trump's lies?
Why do you feel the need to stop Trump from lying? People willing to lie in order to further their agenda just reveals their true character. Same with name calling.

Derogatory name calling never stopped after Michelle Obama's politically motivated meme hit the news media. It may have even gotten worse when the left thought they held a moral superiority over the right. (See in group vs out group)

Many bought into that smoke screen as the Obama Administration set records for deporting immigrants seeking a better life here and escalated the war (killing) in Afghanistan.

And why do you give Biden a pass when he lies or used his influence to get his son a multi-million dollar job sitting on a Ukrainian energy board when even his son admits he wasn't qualified for that position? Did the website that you often cite here, Crooks and Liars cover that story?

Its the politicians and media who further divide us using human emotion against us with their heated rhetoric. Why do you think they do that?

Isn't it better to build stronger communities by working together? Or should we work to exclude others, perhaps by placing exclusionary signs and harassment?

Lets use the example of a right wing fire fighter or first responder that came up here during that Chewuck fire several years ago.

So you (general sense) hate these people who support Trump and on the internet you call them stupid, you say they are in a cult. Now they just saved your house and possibly your life.

Did you stop them from saving you?No

Do you still hate them just because they have a different politcal POV? Yes

The point is, don't let the politicians or news media divide our communities. See them for what they are and refuse to participate in their divisive tactics.

Elect Better.
What's so funny 'bout peace love and understanding--Nick Lowe
Can't talk to a man who don't want to understand--Carol King
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Re: Interesting Read...

Post by Rideback »

We tried rising above it with Michelle Obama's 'they go low we go high'. Trump and the leadership and Fox just went lower and lower.

How do you propose stopping Trump's lies?
Fun CH
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Re: Interesting Read...

Post by Fun CH »

Rideback wrote: Wed Mar 29, 2023 4:58 pm It's not as simple as you'd like it to be. The name calling from Trump has been hand in hand with the lies that he tells. His labels have shortcut conversations which need to happen in order to find where the truth lies. He uses labels and name calling to guide conversations, to punctuate his attacks and stop any explanations.

Media used to go along with the whataboutisms by striving to find examples where both sides were lying, but that simply didn't work which is why turning a blind eye to Trump's name calling equates to turning a blind eye to his lies and he builds on lies, he 'embiggens' his lies and repeats them until they become part of his mythology.

So to answer your question, if the Dems stop calling out his lies no it will not stop the divisiveness it will only give Trump's lies a platform. He's back on Twitter and FB now, his rants are epic and filled with calls to violence, take a look at the Waco rally. Do you honestly think that those rants aren't going to lead to real violence across this country? And do you honestly think if he is given free rein that he will simmer down and act like with decorum? Even his attorneys have failed to get him to shut up and stop with the threats.
It actually is simple, you just made it way too comjusta.

You (in the general sense) are certainly free to challenge Trumps divisive rhetoric with facts.

However challenging that rhetoric the same way Trump does using derogatory language just puts you on the same level as him, right where he wants you to be.

Wake up and Rise above.
What's so funny 'bout peace love and understanding--Nick Lowe
Can't talk to a man who don't want to understand--Carol King
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Re: Interesting Read...

Post by Rideback »

It's not as simple as you'd like it to be. The name calling from Trump has been hand in hand with the lies that he tells. His labels have shortcut conversations which need to happen in order to find where the truth lies. He uses labels and name calling to guide conversations, to punctuate his attacks and stop any explanations.

Media used to go along with the whataboutisms by striving to find examples where both sides were lying, but that simply didn't work which is why turning a blind eye to Trump's name calling equates to turning a blind eye to his lies and he builds on lies, he 'embiggens' his lies and repeats them until they become part of his mythology.

So to answer your question, if the Dems stop calling out his lies no it will not stop the divisiveness it will only give Trump's lies a platform. He's back on Twitter and FB now, his rants are epic and filled with calls to violence, take a look at the Waco rally. Do you honestly think that those rants aren't going to lead to real violence across this country? And do you honestly think if he is given free rein that he will simmer down and act like with decorum? Even his attorneys have failed to get him to shut up and stop with the threats.
Fun CH
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Re: Interesting Read...

Post by Fun CH »

Rideback wrote: Wed Mar 29, 2023 2:48 pm As the Trump era of political speak goes, calling Trump 'cheeto' is probably a pretty tame nickname. Of course if we're going to all attempt to use less divisive names how about Trump go first? ... nald_Trump He is the king of nicknames by anyone's standards.
So you think its OK to use derogatory language just because Trump does it or anybody else for that matter?

No doubt children learn behavior from adults, especially those they look up to. (see mirror neurons).

Where do you think childhood bullying comes from?

Perhaps lead by example is a better ideal to strive for?
What's so funny 'bout peace love and understanding--Nick Lowe
Can't talk to a man who don't want to understand--Carol King
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Re: Interesting Read...

Post by Rideback »

As the Trump era of political speak goes, calling Trump 'cheeto' is probably a pretty tame nickname. Of course if we're going to all attempt to use less divisive names how about Trump go first? ... nald_Trump He is the king of nicknames by anyone's standards.
Fun CH
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Re: Interesting Read...

Post by Fun CH »

My take away is that this just more divisive opinion advertising from someone who uses derogatory language to describe a former President. And she doesn't care.

It long past time to get away from this type of rhetoric and work towards unity by emphasizing what our common values are, like freedom.

"The unity of all who dwell in freedom is their only sure defense.”

— Dwight D. Eisenhower"
What's so funny 'bout peace love and understanding--Nick Lowe
Can't talk to a man who don't want to understand--Carol King
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Interesting Read...

Post by pasayten »

Thinking I may check out this book series...
You’re pretty sure the world is a dumpster fire and no amount of fresh water—which we are running out of anyway—can smother the flames.

One of our major political parties is under the control of a walking, talking cheeto.
And a disturbing number of people think he was sent here by THE deity. 🥴

Codifying birth control passed by WAY too slim a margin with 96% of the Cheeto’s team voting against it. 🤯

And bodily autonomy is no longer protected for any person wielding a uterus. 🤬

I could go on…🌎🔥🌊💀…but you get what I’m talking about.

And I know you’re doing everything you can.
✅ Voting
✅ Talking to friends
✅ Taking care of your loved ones

And you’re probably even doing some stuff for your own mental health.
🗣 Meeting with a therapist or coach
🌳 Taking walks, exercising, practicing yoga, or pilates, or both!
📵 Avoiding doom scrolling while also staying informed—a delicate freaking dance
I get it. Trust me.

The best defense I have against losing my ducking mind is writing books.
📚 I write feminist action novels. They are fun and satisfying. My books are a great way to avoid:
🤯 Losing your 💩 on strangers
😰 Curling up in a corner shaking with anxiety
😵‍💫 And a host of other negative symptoms associated with living through the Hand Maid’s Tale 2020’s edition.

Sydney Rye and her dog, Blue, exact justice with a vengeance.
The dog doesn’t die but the bad guys do.
And it feels GOOD.

Like kneeing the traitorous grapist in the groin good, but without the legal repercussions.

The Sydney Rye Mysteries are available in ebook, paperback, and digital audiobook.
🎧 You can listen to my books while you walk, clean, cook, or burn down white supremacist patriarchy. ❤️‍🔥
💨 If you’re on the move, Sydney and Blue can come with you.
⏳ Take the time you need
🏝️ Enjoy the adventure you deserve
🏎️ Escape the dystopian reality you’re being forced into by whack jobs with flag fetishes.🇺🇸
📚 Start the Sydney Rye Mysteries today ☄️

P.S. The dog never dies.
P.P.S. I know this post isn’t nice or polite. I’m not trying to be those things. Don’t bother commenting your outage or disappointment. I. 👏 Don’t. 👏 Care. 👏.
Ray Peterson
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