Fox News texts reveal the truth: The Big Lie was a con

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Re: Fox News texts reveal the truth: The Big Lie was a con

Post by just-jim »

Here’s what tucker carlsons fox nooz producer thinks about carlsons own viewers - he thinks they are a “bunch of gullible cousin f**kers”. ... -are-bunch
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Re: Fox News texts reveal the truth: The Big Lie was a con

Post by Rideback »

Smartmatic's suit could be even stronger. Next up Newsmax and then after the interviews with Trump insiders like Stephanie Grisham where she describes how Fox worked hand in glove with Trump on stories; he would call them and tell them to change any story that he didn't like, they would do so - there's every reason that a criminal suit could follow for conspiracy or at the very least a combined civil suit where both Dominion and Smartmatic have standing to go after Trump, Rudy G...even Bill Barr. Dominion has kicked open the door and there's a whole Country that has standing.
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Re: Fox News texts reveal the truth: The Big Lie was a con

Post by just-jim »

The SECOND Civil suit against fox is going forward - this one for $2.7 Billion - from Smartmatic.
. ... t-fox-news
One wag has suggested that someone selling fake cream has to call it ‘kreme’,
and sellers of fake cheese have to call if ‘cheez’,
therefore from now on, the crap that fox tries to label ‘news’….should rightfully be called ‘Fox Nooz’.
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Re: Fox News texts reveal the truth: The Big Lie was a con

Post by Rideback »

Think back to the Alex Jones' lawsuits by the Sandy Hook families and what the punitive damages looked like. Those were cases against ONE GUY and his little empire of conspiracies. Dominion's lawsuits are stronger than the cases against Alex Jones and they're aimed at the giant media empire Fox which has a bigger bank account. There now is a very real possibility that Fox will not just lose, but lose everything. ... -rcna74446
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Re: Fox News texts reveal the truth: The Big Lie was a con

Post by Rideback »

First interview with Sidney Powell's 'wind talks to me' lady. A whole country had to listen to Sidney Powell's baseless charges as she spewed the lies that led to J6.
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Re: Fox News texts reveal the truth: The Big Lie was a con

Post by Rideback »

And there's more being dumped by Dominion of the texts and messages within Fox:
By Jane C. Timm
By early January 2021, Fox News hosts and executives were ready to move on from then-President Donald Trump and his insistence that the election was stolen.

"it's been 8 weeks and none of them has produced anything tangible or verifiable. and now he wants thousands of his supporters to go to DC without shelter or food to demonstrate," host Lou Dobbs texted a producer on his show on Jan. 3. "I believe the election was stolen — but without evidence we can do nothing significant."

"We are very, very close to being able to ignore Trump most nights," Tucker Carlson wrote in a Jan. 4 text to an unidentified person. "I truly can't wait."

"I hate him passionately," he continued. "I can't handle much more of this."

The revealing private messages were unsealed Tuesday night, part of a massive cache of evidence in the $1.6 billion Dominion defamation suit against Fox News and the Fox Corp. They paint a remarkably frank picture of how key players at Fox News viewed the stolen election lie that motivated a mob to storm the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021.

Fox News argued the voting systems manufacturer was skewing the evidence.

“Dominion has been caught red handed again using more distortions and misinformation in their PR campaign to smear FOX News and trample on free speech and freedom of the press," a Fox News spokesperson said in a statement.

Dominion has said the released documents speak for themselves.

Trump and his lawyers "have so discredited their own case, and the rest of us to some extent, that it's infuriating," Carlson continued in his texts. "Absolutely enrages me."

The next day, Jan. 5, Fox Corp. Chairman Rupert Murdoch tapped an email out on his iPhone: Maybe our top talent needs to take a stand.

"It's been suggested our primetime three should independently or together say something like 'the election is over and Joe Biden won. We are all disappointed by it happened. We love America and have to turn the page. We will now be the loyal opposition criticizing every liberal mistake the new administration makes,'" Murdoch wrote to Fox News CEO Suzanne Scott.

"Not those words, but a refinement would go a long way to stop the Trump myth that the election stolen," he added. "And the basis of his 2024 campaign."

Scott forwarded the email to Meade Cooper, the executive vice president of prime-time programming.

"I told Rupert that privately they are all there — we need to be careful about using the shows and pissing off the viewers but they know how to navigate."

Trump's troubles multiplying. His businesses now ruined! Who is going to throw a party at one of his golf clubs or hotels?


But the top talent at Fox News never did take a stand.

Instead, prime-time hosts talked up the Stop the Steal rally taking place in Washington on Jan. 6.

On the night of Jan. 5, prime-time host Sean Hannity put Eric Trump on the air, who ran through a laundry list of exaggerated or debunked fraud claims he suggested cost his father the election.

"The Republic, its future, our futures, are hanging in the balance," Dobbs said on Jan. 5, teeing up Judicial Watch's Tom Fitton, who argued that the outcome of the election could be changed by state legislatures and Congress on Jan. 6.

And next morning, a mob of Trump supporters stormed the Capitol in an effort to block the certification of the results of the 2020 election. Rioters smashed windows and doors, looted and ransacked offices and engaged in hours of violent clashes. About 140 officers were assaulted that day, and two pipe bombs were also planted nearby, but did not detonate.

The private texts and emails included in Dominion's evidence offer a remarkable snapshot of the frustration and discontent at Fox News hours and days after the attack — messages that were far different from what they were putting on air.

"he isn't saying what's actually going on. just beating around the bush," Carlson producer Alex Pfeiffer complained in a text exchange with Carlson senior executive producer Justin Wells and an unnamed individual, dissecting Carlson's show on Jan. 6. "why do people think it was stolen? didn't happen immacutately. trump told them thats what happened."

Inside the Fox companies, the shift was urgent, sometimes frenzied.

"Fox News very busy pivoting. ... We want to make Trump a non person," Murdoch wrote in one email on Jan. 8.

Fox News "is pivoting as fast as possible. We have to lead our viewers which is not as easy as it might seem," he wrote in another days later.

Related coverage
'I hate him passionately': Tucker Carlson was fed up with Trump after the 2020 election
In private, Fox News stars and staffers blasted election fraud claims as bogus, court filing shows
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Fox Corp. and the Trump campaign hit with FEC complaints over Dominion revelations
The day after Biden's inauguration, Murdoch was facing heat from Republican senators.

That morning, he met with Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, Sen. Lindsey Graham of South Carolina and other GOP senators who were opposed to impeaching Trump.

“Still getting mud thrown at us!” Murdoch wrote. “Maybe Sean and Laura went too far,” he continued, referring to Hannity and Laura Ingraham.

He asked Scott whether it was “unarguable that high profile Fox voices fed the story that the election was stolen and that January 6th an important chance to have the result overturned.”

Scott punted the request to a group of executives, noting “please send specifics.”

Six hours later, Irena Briganti, the Fox News executive in charge of communications, responded with more than 15 pages of transcripts of examples.

In a Jan. 12 email exchange with former House Speaker Paul Ryan, R-Wis., Murdoch said "everything changed" on the day of the riot.

"Trump's troubles multiplying. His businesses now ruined! Who is going to throw a party at one of his golf clubs or hotels?"

He went on: "Could he still resign and get Pence to pardon, then just disappear? Would Mike Pence agree?"
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Re: Fox News texts reveal the truth: The Big Lie was a con

Post by just-jim »

From Heather Cox Richardson, March 7:

“New materials released tonight in the Dominion Voting Systems defamation lawsuit against the Fox News Network confirm that Fox News Channel executives and hosts did not believe that Trump won the election in 2020, although they continued to push that lie on their channel to hold Trump viewers.

But tonight’s material went further, suggesting that some of the hosts who were most vocal in promoting Trump were less fond of him in private. On January 4, 2021, host Tucker Carlson tweeted to someone: We are very, very close to being able to ignore Trump most nights. I truly can’t wait…. I hate him passionately.”

Speaking of Trump’s presidency, Tucker wrote: “We’re all pretending we’ve got a lot to show for it, because admitting what a disaster it’s been is too tough to digest. But come on. There really isn’t an upside to Trump.””
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Re: Fox News texts reveal the truth: The Big Lie was a con

Post by Rideback »

The Dominion suit is opening the doors for the 2nd and 3rd tier of Fox wannabes to face the same liabilities.
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Re: Fox News texts reveal the truth: The Big Lie was a con

Post by PAL »

Fox News needs to fall. But there are others out there that will fill the gap, unfortunately. But the falling of Fox could be an example.
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Re: Fox News texts reveal the truth: The Big Lie was a con

Post by Rideback »

Today's trove filed by Dominion just buries Fox. ... index.html
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Re: Fox News texts reveal the truth: The Big Lie was a con

Post by Rideback »

FEC complaint filed against Fox for the sharing of confidential Biden campaign info by Murdoch to Jared Kushner during '20 campaign. ... fox-giving
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Re: Fox News texts reveal the truth: The Big Lie was a con

Post by Farmerbill »

Fox News needs to dissolve just like any newsworthy news station should if they have been caught telling lies just to not lose viewers. Many viewers love lies more than the truth. Proof is the tabloid “national inquirer” and several other fake news magazines. People gobble lies up. Look at Russia right now. All their news is lies yet they believe it over the truth.
A reputable news station occasionally comes back and corrects a report they gave that turned out false. Fox could spend some time apologizing to their viewers and beg for mercy might save a tid bit of reputation.
They have a 1.6 billion dollar lawsuit from dominion and they are backed in the corner with all the evidence against them.
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Re: Fox News texts reveal the truth: The Big Lie was a con

Post by Rideback »

Murdoch, exposed
Judd Legum
1 hr ago

News Corp CEO Rupert Murdoch in 2009 (Photo by Axelle/Bauer-Griffin/FilmMagic)
It's not a secret that Fox News is a political operation seeking to bolster the prospects of Republicans. Jeanne Pirro, co-host of Fox News' The Five, regularly appears at Republican fundraisers. Mark Levin, who hosts a weekly Fox News program, appeared at a rally and fundraiser for a Republican candidate in Virginia. Sean Hannity, one of Fox News' primetime stars, stumped for President Trump. Alternatively, just watch Fox News for a few minutes — the purpose is clear.

At the same time, Fox News has been able to convince a lot of people — not just Republicans — that it is simultaneously a legitimate news operation. That is why, in September 2020, Biden and the Democratic Party agreed to have Fox News moderate a presidential debate. It's also why, during a critical stretch of the 2020 campaign, 22% of Biden's cable TV ads ran on Fox News — which is roughly equal to the number of Biden ads that aired on CNN and twice the number that aired on MSNBC.

But an explosive legal filing has exposed the truth about Fox News.

On Monday night, Dominion Voting Systems filed a document as part of its $1.6 billion defamation lawsuit against Fox News. The core of the lawsuit alleges that Fox News knowingly promoted lies about Dominion Voting Systems to bolster Trump's false claims of voter fraud and pander to its audience. But, in an aside, lawyers for Dominion dropped this bombshell:

During Trump's campaign, [News Corp CEO] Rupert [Murdoch] provided Trump's son-in-law and senior Advisor, Jared Kushner, with Fox confidential information about Biden's ads, along with debate strategy. Ex.600, R. Murdoch 210:6-9; 213:17-20; Ex.603 (providing Kushner a preview of Biden's ads before they were public).

While this, at the moment, is an allegation and not a fact, Dominion signaled in its citation that it has significant evidence to back it up. Dominion says the allegation is substantiated by two passages of Murdoch's deposition, which has not been released in full, and another exhibit — likely an email or text message.

The behavior described in the Dominion filing is deeply corrupt. Fox News was entrusted with Biden's campaign ads in advance because the Biden campaign trusted it to operate as a legitimate news corporation. Murdoch abused that trust in an effort to give the Trump campaign an edge in the 2020 election.

Jim Gerstein, a principal at GBAO Strategies who has been involved in creating and responding to political ads for decades, said the information that Murdoch provided to Kushner was potentially "very valuable." Presidential campaigns spend tens of millions of dollars developing and placing TV ads, which remain an effective way to move voters.

At a minimum, Gerstein said, Murdoch's "preview" would afford the Trump campaign time to prepare a press release or social media posts "that preempts the argument being made in the ad." With enough advanced warning, the Trump campaign could "prepare their own ad and air it in the same market" and "counter the argument before the message of the Biden ad sinks in with voters."

In addition to being unethical, Murdoch's alleged conduct was also potentially illegal.

Murdoch's legal issues
Saurav Ghosh, a campaign finance law expert with the Campaign Legal Center, told Popular Information that "a corporation or its agents would be breaking the law if they were to give anything of value – including intangible things like information – to a campaign or its agents in connection with an election." Ghosh stressed that a lot of facts remain unknown but "if a corporate agent passed nonpublic information to a campaign agent, that would likely be considered an illegal in-kind contribution, warranting an investigation and possible enforcement to uphold the law and protect our elections."

There is, however, a broad media exception to the prohibition of corporate contributions. A TV reporter interviewing a candidate during the evening news is valuable, but it is not illegal because it is part of a normal press function. Rick Hasen, a law professor at UCLA and an expert in election law, says that the press exemption would not apply to Murdoch because the "ads were not shared for the purpose of newsgathering or opinion writing." As a result, Hasen says, Murdoch's conduct was "potentially illegal."

Brendan Fischer, another campaign finance expert, agreed. Fischer told Popular Information that "if Rupert Murdoch shared a Biden campaign ad with the Trump campaign before it ran, then Murdoch, or Fox, very likely would have made an illegal corporate contribution to the Trump campaign." Fischer said that "sharing an unpublished campaign ad with an opposing campaign is not a media organization acting within their legitimate press function."

In June 2021, the FEC fined American Media Inc. (AMI), the parent company of the National Enquirer, $187,000 for making an illegal in-kind contribution to the Trump campaign. The fine was the result of the AMI paying $150,000 for the exclusive rights to the story of former Playboy model Karen McDougal, who claimed she had an affair with Trump. AMI admitted the purpose of the expenditure was not to publish the story. It bought the story to bury it — a tactic known as "catch and kill" — and protect the Trump campaign from negative publicity. Therefore, the media exception did not apply.

AMI and its officers also faced potential criminal liability but signed a non-prosecution agreement in exchange for their cooperation with a broader criminal inquiry. That investigation ultimately led to a guilty plea by Michael Cohen, Trump's former attorney, for his role in the scheme. Cohen was sentenced to three years in federal prison for campaign finance violations and other crimes. This year, the Manhattan district attorney empaneled a grand jury to hear evidence about Trump's role in the scheme. Among the witnesses already called is "David Pecker, the former publisher of The National Enquirer."
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Re: Fox News texts reveal the truth: The Big Lie was a con

Post by mister_coffee »

I'll take "woke" over "whacko" any day of the week. Just saying.
:arrow: David Bonn :idea:
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Re: Fox News texts reveal the truth: The Big Lie was a con

Post by Rideback »

More texts revealed as people read through the filing by Dominion on Monday. Latest is that Fox broke campaign finance rules by sharing Biden campaign information and ads before they were published. Fox gave the inside information directly to Jared Kushner. Sharing this information prior to its publication during a campaign with a competitor is a huge breech.
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Re: Fox News texts reveal the truth: The Big Lie was a con

Post by dorankj »

I got it, walls are closing in, people in jail soon. I know the drill!
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Re: Fox News texts reveal the truth: The Big Lie was a con

Post by just-jim »

dorankj wrote: Mon Feb 27, 2023 2:26 pm Reporting news stories, even ones you yourself don’t believe is NOT criminal! I pray all those liberal commentators don’t actually believe the nonsense they spew constantly on their channels is true or real. If so, I can’t wait for the cacophony of lawsuits about the Covid origin, mask and ‘vaccine’ lies told for years!
I never said it was. It almost certainly, in this case however, costs $1.6 Billion! THAT is the point.

And it possibly causes a bankruptcy and likely de-rail murdoccks planned acquisition of CNN. And completely shreds the minuscule amount of journalistic integrity that faux news ever had.

As for covid, the science of masks and vaccines is settled. In spite of all the nut jobs you trot out, or what you wish it to be. And the origin of covid, still open for much debate, hardly matters in the larger sense of how we did - or didn’t- respond to it.
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Re: Fox News texts reveal the truth: The Big Lie was a con

Post by Rideback »

Ken, this is a libel case. It is based on the lies that Fox told, on air, despite knowing the truth. Those lies cost Dominion billions in business. This is by all reports the strongest defamation/libel suit ever to hit the courts. Fox had a business, moral and common sense duty to report in real time the truth. They chose not to because reporting the truth isn't a money maker for them, instead manufacturing and promoting conspiracies and lies made they very very rich. Fox broke many laws and that's why they had better have some bankruptcy lawyers on speed dial. If you don't believe that, look at what happened to Alex Jones when he spread lies about Sandy Hook families and made money off of the lies.
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Re: Fox News texts reveal the truth: The Big Lie was a con

Post by dorankj »

Reporting news stories, even ones you yourself don’t believe is NOT criminal! I pray all those liberal commentators don’t actually believe the nonsense they spew constantly on their channels is true or real. If so, I can’t wait for the cacophony of lawsuits about the Covid origin, mask and ‘vaccine’ lies told for years!
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Re: Fox News texts reveal the truth: The Big Lie was a con

Post by just-jim »

Just in….. Rupert Murdoch himself, admits Faux news hosts “knew some of our commentators were endorsing” the baseless narrative that the 2020 presidential election was stolen. ... -dominion/

He may as well just write out that big ol’ check to Dominion. He’s screwed.
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Re: Fox News texts reveal the truth: The Big Lie was a con

Post by Rideback »

What is the Bloomberg opinion?
The obsession is with lawbreakers and bringing them to justice. This is a thread about Fox news where they have been exposed as lying to their viewers to make money off their con. People died from the Big Lie con. Lives were disrupted. People who believed Fox's lies attacked the House of Representatives, did millions of dollars damage that we now have to pay, they threatened the lives of sitting Representatives as well as the Country's sitting Vice President.

All so Fox could make money.
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Re: Fox News texts reveal the truth: The Big Lie was a con

Post by mister_coffee »

I think the time travel revelations pretty much ruin any defense Fox New might have had in this case. So they are going to be writing a check to Dominion, as they should be. And the best way to injure any right-winger is to hit them right in the wallet.
:arrow: David Bonn :idea:
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Re: Fox News texts reveal the truth: The Big Lie was a con

Post by Rideback »

Integrity? Fox replaced any hint of integrity when they promoted known lies to the people of this country all for the simple reason that the lies were money makers for them. ... cCbtjNcQU0

'A woman who says the wind talks to her and put forth claims of election fraud in the 2020 presidential race that she admitted were "pretty wackadoodle" turns out to be a key source of allegations that Fox News presented, night after night, to millions of viewers late that fall.

Joe Biden's victory caused Fox News personalities to all but melt down on the air. Off the air, a sense of crisis pervaded the private conversations of the network's executives and stars. Viewers who supported then-President Donald Trump abandoned Fox in droves after its Election Night team became the first in the nation to project that Biden would win the pivotal state of Arizona.

Desperate to win back the Trump supporters, Fox News and the Fox Business Network turned at least a dozen times to a pro-Trump attorney named Sidney Powell who, when pressed for evidence, forwarded a memo entitled "Election Fraud Info" to Fox anchor Maria Bartiromo. Bartiromo hosted Powell on her Fox News show the day after receiving it.

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'Like time travel in a semi-conscious state'
The author of the memo in which Powell and Bartiromo put so much stock offered detailed and utterly false claims of how Dominion Voting Systems helped rig the election for Biden. She also shared a bit about herself, writing that she gains insights from experiencing something "like time-travel in a semi-conscious state."

The existence of the memo, its enigmatic author, and her role in Fox's broadcasts surfaced in a devastating 178-page legal brief filed by Dominion Voting Systems and made public last week by a Delaware court. The election-tech company has sued Fox News for $1.6 billion for defamation over the airing of false claims that it engaged in election fraud.

Off the air, Fox News stars blasted the election fraud claims they peddled
Off the air, Fox News stars blasted the election fraud claims they peddled
Powell's source also volunteered that the wind tells her that she's a ghost, though she doesn't believe it.

The woman, who is not named in the legal brief, wrote that she knew the late Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia had been killed during a week-long human hunting expedition at an elite social club. (Scalia, a favorite of many Fox News hosts, died in 2016 of a heart attack, according to local officials in Texas, where he died.)

And the woman asserted that the late Fox News chairman Roger Ailes and Fox Corporation founder Rupert Murdoch "secretly huddle most days to determine how best to portray Mr. Trump as badly as possible." By the time the woman wrote her memo, Ailes had been dead for more than three years.

Attorney Sidney Powell spread baseless election-fraud claims on Fox News after the 2020 election. To back up her claims, she forwarded Fox hosts an email from a source who admitted those claims were "pretty wackadoodle."
Drew Angerer/Getty Images
"Who am I? And how do I know all of this?... I've had the strangest dreams since I was a little girl," the woman wrote in the email shared by Powell with Bartiromo and Dobbs. "I was internally decapitated, and yet, I live."

This all appeared in the same memo that claimed Dominion's software flipped votes from Trump to Biden, and tied the election company to a conspiracy involving Democrats Nancy Pelosi, then the House speaker, and Sen. Dianne Feinstein.
Last edited by Rideback on Wed Mar 08, 2023 12:05 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Fox News texts reveal the truth: The Big Lie was a con

Post by Rideback »

The right wing have taught their minions that they don't need to think about anything more than attacking anyone that works to come up with policies, with solutions or even someone who reads, who loves or wants to help others. No, you just have to attack them and you're good to go.

The Big Lie not only took peoples' lives (whether physically J6 or by the jail time they spend paying for the crimes Trump led them into) but it made a whole lot of money for Trump and for Fox and every right wing outlet that promoted the Big Lie. Follow the money. Trump suckered small donors that gave and gave and then he asked for more until he made hundreds of millions and then he used that money to pay his legal bills. His legal bills. Not the legal bills of the J6 surrectionists. His bills.

Until people recognize that while they're busy attacking there's nothing coming from the Right that making their lives better every Rep holding office is safe and sound from any accountability.
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Re: Fox News texts reveal the truth: The Big Lie was a con

Post by mister_coffee »

The right wing playbook pretty clearly specifies that you always go on the attack, and especially you go on the attack when you should be defending. So by their actions they are admitting what we all know to be true.
:arrow: David Bonn :idea:
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