Fox News texts reveal the truth: The Big Lie was a con

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Re: Fox News texts reveal the truth: The Big Lie was a con

Post by just-jim »

PAL wrote: Wed Feb 22, 2023 7:02 am Better read what the definition is of Woke. Who made that up anyway? And you don't want government having control over YOUR body, but you do over women's bodies. You are into oppression and you don't seem to even know it.
’woke’ is a term coined by ignorant rednecks (or slack jawed, beady-eyed, mouth-breathing, biscuit eaters - as my sister in law calls them). They either can’t, or can’t be bothered to, understand science, fact, journalism based on presentable facts and numbers, nor history, culture, reason or logic. Instead they take refuge in that which is non-woke; conspiracy, magic, religiosity/voodoo and journalism by shills and political hacks, rather than fact and reason.
They believe ‘stuff’ …..because, well, they just believe it! Perversely, they are inordinately proud of the lack of their own intellectual rigor or integrity!

I was listening to a program today that characterized people like this as “un-curious dupes”, which seems apt.

As Ray points out, sadly, they have bought into what old time gifters and con-men used to refer to as ‘the long con’.
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Re: Fox News texts reveal the truth: The Big Lie was a con

Post by pasayten »

Ken likes to "win"... I heard he is pretty good at pickleball and probably gets some wins there... But in politics, he chose trump... the biggest loser for the health of democracy and the U.S.A.... He chose to support the wrong path for the Republican Party... He just can't get over that...
Ray Peterson
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Re: Fox News texts reveal the truth: The Big Lie was a con

Post by Rideback »

I can't help it that you didn't watch the Congressional hearings but even Fox said the Reps made fools of themselves.

If you don't like to read, here's a you tube of the hearings:
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Re: Fox News texts reveal the truth: The Big Lie was a con

Post by dorankj »

There is no “debunking” of the twitter files! You guys seriously just say things you WISH to be true and then are mortified when we all don’t agree.

As to your ‘criminal charges,’ yes the ‘walls are closing in and I’m sure your mortal enemy will be in jail soon!’
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Re: Fox News texts reveal the truth: The Big Lie was a con

Post by Rideback »

Oh, and then there's the hundreds of millions he made in office off of Indosnesia. ... interests/
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Re: Fox News texts reveal the truth: The Big Lie was a con

Post by Rideback »

The Twitter files were debunked right out of the gate and Taibbi is mortified. Then they were debunked again in the House Investigation Committee meeting the beginning of Feb, much to the chagrin of the the Rep's. My particular favorite was when the chairman put up a pictorial that he obviously hadn't even looked at and the Twitter folk took one look and said yes they had decided not to allow posts of a man's private parts that were stolen from him.

The charges against Trump? okay, how about
1. Obstruction of Justice
3. Conspiracy to obstruct a govt proceeding (his effort to stop the House Vote Jan 6)
4. Stealing government property
5. Misusing campaign funds
6. Sedition
7. Misreporting to the IRS on tax returns to lower his tax liability
8. Mis stating the value of assets to banks that he was asking for loans
9. Under reporting the use of the Washington DC Post Office hotel where the Saudis and other govts stayed on their visits and were overcharged so that it became a racket to influence Trump
10. 10 counts in the Mueller Report that couldn't be charged (because of DoJ protocols) while Trump was in offie
11. Rape and Libel
12. Threatening govt officials to change vote tallies in the 2020 election (Georgia)
13. Misusing PAC money to pay $10 million in legal fees, some of which went to pay legal fees of witnesses
14. Fraudulently promoting the fake electoral count scheme that Eastman concocted
15. Paying off Stormy Daniels by using Michael Cohen as a cutout so he could list the check as a 'legal expense'
Then of course there's the billions that Jared K got from the Saudi consortium after he did his coverup for the prince. There's the amount that Trump overcharged the Secret Service for staying in his hotels despite saying he would just charge them at cost.
There's so much more, the guy didn't have one day in office that he wasn't swindling someone.
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Re: Fox News texts reveal the truth: The Big Lie was a con

Post by dorankj »

Yes we do, the party of Hillary Clinton Stacey Abrams etc!
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Re: Fox News texts reveal the truth: The Big Lie was a con

Post by mister_coffee »

Projection much?

We all know which side supports free and fair elections, and which side clearly does not. Rioting when your side loses is not just bad sportsmanship, but viciously anti-democratic.
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Re: Fox News texts reveal the truth: The Big Lie was a con

Post by PAL »

Better read what the definition is of Woke. Who made that up anyway? And you don't want government having control over YOUR body, but you do over women's bodies. You are into oppression and you don't seem to even know it.
Pearl Cherrington
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Re: Fox News texts reveal the truth: The Big Lie was a con

Post by dorankj »

I don’t want to live under the autocracy of the progressive woke leftists, can’t stand government having that much control!
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Re: Fox News texts reveal the truth: The Big Lie was a con

Post by PAL »

Nobody likes to admit they've been conned. And I know, you'll say we've been conned by Biden. But perhaps you think our system of government is a big con game. Perhaps so. But do you want to live under an autocracy or Putie or Kim Jong Un?
What do ya all think of Nikki Haley?
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Re: Fox News texts reveal the truth: The Big Lie was a con

Post by dorankj »

Crimes? What crimes exactly, use your words, emotional platitudes about differences of politics or style are not crimes. If we are throwing lying corrupt politicians in jail our current POTUS (and family) are top of my list!
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Re: Fox News texts reveal the truth: The Big Lie was a con

Post by SharonLaVonne »

For the sake of God(ness) and Justice - can we please just get the Supreme Con Man and Liar, Donald Trump, in prison. He committed may crimes against America and he has been caught. Prison for Trump, please. Justice needs to prevail for the good of our Nation.
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Re: Fox News texts reveal the truth: The Big Lie was a con

Post by dorankj »

You make it perfectly clear who’s doing the “jerking” Ray! Storm on.
P.S. don’t forget the perjury part!
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Re: Fox News texts reveal the truth: The Big Lie was a con

Post by pasayten »

So which circle is doing the jerking? The whole trump sh**show has been the biggest group jerk of them all...
Georgia Trump Probe: Grand Jury Reportedly Recommends Multiple Indictments
Brian Bushard
Forbes Staff
Feb 21, 2023,04:07pm EST

TOPLINE The special grand jury investigating former President Donald Trump’s efforts to overturn the 2020 election in Fulton County, Georgia, has recommended indictments for multiple people, the jury’s forewoman told the New York Times Tuesday, as more information emerges around the years-long probe into Trump’s efforts around the 2020 election.

Jury forewoman Emily Kohrs said in an interview the list of people facing indictments is “not a short list,” although she did not provide any names.

When asked if that list included Trump—who launched his 2024 presidential bid late last year—she responded: “You’re not going to be shocked” and that the answer is “not rocket science.”

Though the jury itself does not have the ability to charge anyone, District Attorney Fani Willis is expected to bring charges, after presenting the case to a grand jury and telling Judge Robert McBurney late last month “decisions are imminent.”


Kohrs’ comments come one week after the release of some sections of the special grand jury’s report, in which the jury recommended some witnesses should be indicted for perjury, though no specific targets of indictments were named.

Willis had previously suggested multiple people could face indictments for their parts in an effort to overturn the results of the 2020 election. The report released last week resulted from the order of a state judge, who said the rest of the jury’s report should remain private until the conclusion of the investigation. That report also disclosed the grand jury has found no evidence of voter fraud in the 2020 election, which Trump had claimed without proof after losing the election to President Joe Biden.

Who will be indicted as a result of Willis’ investigation, which has been ongoing since February 2021. Last summer, Trump’s attorney Rudy Giuliani, as well a group of 16 Georgia Republican officials who falsely claimed to be presidential electors after signing false certificates, have been informed they are potential targets of the probe.
Ray Peterson
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Re: Fox News texts reveal the truth: The Big Lie was a con

Post by Chitta »

Why would you try to bring facts into an extreme, fundamentalist, op-ed circle jerk? Trump bad. War and rape wonderful!
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Re: Fox News texts reveal the truth: The Big Lie was a con

Post by dorankj »

Interesting that none of you here ever discussed the twitter files (government collusion and 1st amendment violation by proxy) a far more egregious action. But your salacious TDS thinks this is what’s critical? I can’t decide if you’re more lemming or more clown, ‘have fun storming the castle!’
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Fox News texts reveal the truth: The Big Lie was a con

Post by pasayten »

Fox News texts reveal the truth: The Big Lie was a con — that the viewers were in on
Opinion by Amanda Marcotte • 26m ago

Even as they were hyping Donald Trump's Big Lie on-air, Fox News hosts knew full well that Joe Biden, not Trump, had won the 2020 presidential election. It's what everyone already suspected, of course, but now it's an irrefutable fact thanks to legal documents filed by Dominion Voting Systems. The ballot machine company is suing Fox News for defamation, after the network repeatedly aired Trump and his allies making false claims that their tabulation machines were "flipping" votes from Trump to Biden. But even as the network aired those lies, text messages show, Fox hosts and executives were talking about how they didn't believe a word of it.

"Sidney Powell is lying," host Tucker Carlson texted to fellow host Laura Ingraham on Nov. 18, 2020. Powell was a regular Fox News guest who was a primary source of Big Lie allegations.

"Sidney is a complete nut," Ingraham texted back. "Ditto Rudy," she added, referring to Trump's attorney and Big Lie proponent Rudy Giuliani.

In another text chain, the two, along with fellow host Sean Hannity, discussed getting a reporter fired for tweeting out the fact that there was no evidence of voter fraud. (The host eventually took down the tweet.) The documents also show extensive chatter from Fox executives indicating that they knew Biden had won, even as they encouraged the Big Lie on-air.

Fox News, as its name implies, purports to be a journalistic enterprise. As such, these texts should be proof of a massive betrayal of their audience's trust. If this were another cable news outlet like CNN or MSNBC, everyone involved would be fired already, never to work again in the industry. Former New York Times reporter Jayson Blair and former New Republic writer Stephen Glass are famous examples of the career ruin that comes when journalists knowingly pass off lies as fact. And yet, no one expects a single one of these Fox "journalists" to pay for their lies. Worse, no one expects the network to lose a single viewer over it.

To most people, the idea that you "respect" someone by lying to them is nonsensical.

It's not just that Fox News audiences don't care if they're lied to. Lies are what they crave. They tune into Fox News because lies are exactly what they want to hear.

I'm going to indulge for a moment in told-ya-so: I've long written about my view that Republican voters don't really believe the Big Lie, even as they claim they do to pollsters. Instead, I've argued, it's less a sincere belief than a collective lie Republicans tell together, as a power play and a show of tribal loyalty. In other words, Republicans aren't fooled by Trump's claims he "won" the 2020 election. They just think they're in on the con. Yet every time I write about this, I get serious pushback from people insisting that Republicans "really" believe this stuff.

Well, if that were true, then audiences would be angry at Fox News for lying to their faces. That isn't happening, and no one expects it to.

Republican voters don't actually "believe" the Big Lie about January 6 — they're in on the con
We've been down this road before, after the House committee investigating the January 6th insurrection released similar text messages exposing the gap between what Fox News hosts actually think and what they say on-air. In front of cameras, Fox News hosts would claim that the Capitol riot was being orchestrated by "antifa" or the FBI, or they would deny it was violent at all. In text messages, however, they both worried about the violence and blamed Trump for it — all while begging him to call it off.

That Carlson, Hannity, Ingraham and company were knowingly lying to their audiences surprised no one — including, it turns out, their own audiences. Sure, some Trump voters may have never heard about the gap between what their favorite hosts were saying in private and what they said into microphones. But plenty of MAGA voters did hear about it, either by exposure to the mainstream coverage or even on Fox News itself, which aired some of the January 6 hearings. Tellingly, though, none of these folks minded. That's because they think they're in on it. They aren't being lied to by Fox News, in their eyes. They're joining hands with Fox News to tell the lie together.

The recent batch of text messages shows that the Fox News hosts understand that lies are what their audience tunes in to hear. In discussing their errant reporter who made the mistake of sharing a fact on Twitter, Carlson groused, "It needs to stop immediately, like tonight. It's measurably hurting the company. The stock price is down." In another text message from Fox News C.E.O. Suzanne Scott to Fox executive Lachlan Murdoch, she writes about "letting the viewers know we hear them and respect them" by escalating Big Lie content. Hannity echoed this language in another text, writing, "Respecting this audience whether we agree or not is critical."

To most people, the idea that you "respect" someone by lying to them is nonsensical. But it makes sense if you realize they aren't trying to deceive their audiences, not really. It's more that they are collaborating with their viewers to prop up the narrative the viewers prefer. Since viewers don't care about the truth, but only about winning at any cost, this is a matter of Fox News respecting their wishes.

As one former Fox News producer told Brian Stelter for his book "Hoax: Donald Trump, Fox News, and the Dangerous Distortion of Truth," the viewers "don't care if it's right; they just want their side to win."

It's true that the presence of facts was driving off Fox News viewers. The anger started when the network correctly called Arizona for Biden, cinching the Democrat's presidential win. It deepened in response to Fox reporters who kept saying true things, such as that there was no evidence of fraud or Biden appeared to have won fair and square. This caused viewers to turn the channel to even more unhinged right-wing networks that were even more willing to lie to them. So in order to be competitive, Fox News had to lie more often.

Trump created a permission structure for his followers to assert that reality is whatever they want.

These are the same right-wing audiences who swoon to Ben Shapiro of the Daily Wire saying, "facts don't care about your feelings." But, of course, that statement is just another lie. For MAGA, their feelings are all that matter. Truth simply holds no value to them. It's one reason why we can safely describe MAGA as a fascist movement. It's based on an ideology that all that matters is power. Empirical facts are something to be crushed under the MAGA boot. Trump's total lack of regard for the truth doesn't make him an outlier. He's very much the standard Fox News viewer.

This also explains how Florida's Republican Gov. Ron DeSantis turned himself into a right-wing superstar by waging an all-out war on books and education. Most Americans are disgusted by DeSantis' agenda, which includes scrubbing discussion of racism from history class and erasing the fact that LGBTQ people exist. For most people, deliberately lying to students about fundamental truths is grotesque. But for MAGA, it's thrilling. Rewriting reality so that what they want to believe takes precedence over fact is the entire point for them.

Jan. 6 committee just proved Fox News knowingly lies on air — but don't expect their viewers to care
"n the eyes of a substantial number of voters, teaching uncomfortable facts is indeed a form of liberal propaganda," Paul Krugman wrote in the New York Times last week. "And once that's your mind-set, you see left-wing indoctrination happening everywhere, not just in history and the social sciences. If a biology class explains the theory of evolution, and why almost all scientists accept it — or, for that matter, the theory of how vaccines work — well, that's liberal propaganda. If a physics class explains how greenhouse gas emissions can change the climate — well, that's more liberal propaganda."

Trump created a permission structure for his followers to assert that reality is whatever they want. If they don't want to believe in the biology of COVID-19, they will reject it, even as some of them are dying from it. If they don't want to believe racism shaped American history, they will simply dismiss any mention as "critical race theory" and fight to keep schools from teaching these basic facts. Deep down inside, however, most of them know that the things they are saying aren't factually correct. Ultimately, it doesn't matter. Truth, Trump taught them, only matters if you say it does. If you insist on your lie loud and long enough, they believe, it becomes better than the truth.

Ray Peterson
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