Maybe it is time for some reflection

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Re: Maybe it is time for some reflection

Post by mister_coffee »

I think we all know vicious racism and misogyny when we see it. And decent people have a duty to call it out when they see it.

Most evolutionary biologists argue that there are no races, only populations. There is certainly less genetic diversity in the entire human species currently walking this planet than there are in any of our closest relatives, the other Great Apes. Why that is so isn't entirely understood, but all evidence points to severe population bottlenecks in our distance past. All humans alive today are descended from a very small group (probably on the order of one thousand people) who lived between fifty and seventy thousand years ago. Also, diversity within any given population is greater than diversity between populations.
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Re: Maybe it is time for some reflection

Post by PAL »

Race. Societies use this word because that is what we, others have grown up with. But think about it. This is just my opinion, but there is no such thing as separate "races". It is the human race.
But we have to be able to use words to discuss derogatory and slanderous language towards other human beings.
Racist and misogynistic comments should not be used on this BB. Absolutely no promotion of sexual abuse of children or any other persons.
But can something be thought of as racist when it may not be?
Well, just my morning thoughts.
Pearl Cherrington
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Re: Maybe it is time for some reflection

Post by mister_coffee »

I am provisionally back.

WIth a question: are racist or misogynist posts permitted?

And a follow-on question: if the answer to the above is "yes", where is the line? Are posts promoting the sexual abuse of children allowed?

I do not consider racism or misogyny a point of view worthy of debate or even acknowledgement in polite company. It is the product of diseased minds and should be treated as such.

Things like this tend to multiply and get out of hand very quickly. If this community shows that we tolerate such filth we should expect more of it. Further, such filth reflects on all community members, whether they agree with the filth or not. One purpose of this post is to make clear that I will have no part in it and will not tolerate it.

Ray, I consider you the benevolent dictator of the board, and as such what you say goes. I've always felt that such media is best governed by fiat and that's just the way it is. Nothing in this post is intended to question your unquestioned authority over content here.
:arrow: David Bonn :idea:
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Maybe it is time for some reflection

Post by mister_coffee »

Recent posts here have forced me to confront some of the inherent paradoxes in having a community like this.

You can encourage free and open discussion but too much freedom and openness and you end up with the online equivalent of a sewer (ref: 8chan).

It is good to be tolerant but it is not possible for tolerance to survive when it tolerates intolerance. That's a mouthful but sums it up pretty well.

For myself, I am taking the week off from this board and am going to reflect on what it takes to make this a great community. If I come back and this site has turned into some kind of racist hellscape then I'll have an answer.
:arrow: David Bonn :idea:
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