Stalking Post on Methownet BB

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Re: Stalking Post on Methownet BB

Post by mister_coffee »

Unfortunately if law enforcement and the criminal justice system are unable or unwilling to do their jobs, then vigilantism becomes a rational choice. That is distinct from saying it is an optimal or positive choice. If you compare crime resolution rates (meaning crimes that are actually solved) between various advanced countries the United States stands out for having a very low rate of solving crimes, in particular serious crimes. If you look at the amount of money spent per crime solved we do even worse. This is another example of how Americans are getting ripped off by our own system and don't even know it.

I don't think it is any particular liberal or conservative ideology. Most of the damage is done by complacency, intellectual laziness, and a not-invented-here mindset

There is a big difference on how rational and reasonable people are deterred from speeding and how a potentially violent or dangerous criminal will think. Projecting rational behavior on people who have poor impulse control or are inherently irrational is unlikely to produce results that make any sense.
:arrow: David Bonn :idea:
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Re: Stalking Post on Methownet BB

Post by Jingles »

The judicial system is broken and I did start by saying Not Advocating Vigilantism. But by setting an example even the dumbest learn a lesson an example is remember when Concrete was known as a speed trap? Word got out, and the general population of drivers slowed down, sure they were some that didn't and they paid the consequences of their stupidity. The judicial system got broken when people starting excusing misbehavior because of the person came from a broken home or because of their age didn't know right from wrong or was under stress from peers and a number of other BS reasons and allowed the person misbehaving back on the streets without being held accountable for their actions
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Re: Stalking Post on Methownet BB

Post by PAL »

Military one thing, this is another. To have groups of "vigilantes" going around the valley, deciding who should get "hurt", being judge and jury, has no place here. It brings to mind other kinds of groups that become emboldened by their "power".
Pearl Cherrington
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Re: Stalking Post on Methownet BB

Post by Jingles »

You have no idea why blanket parties were "thrown" unless you were in the Military and had to deal with dirt bags on a daily basis that brought discredit on your unit or military in general.But that was before all the bleeding hearts got involved
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Re: Stalking Post on Methownet BB

Post by mister_coffee »

Oh, and people with serious mental health problems aren't going to have those problems magically fixed or be deterred from their misbehavior by horrible things happening to others with mental health problems. Also, our society has shown a remarkable capacity for tolerating large amounts of mayhem and even larger amounts of suffering without being very bothered about it, or at least bothered enough to do anything that would make a difference.

By Vern's logic, the fact that mass shooters only rarely survive their crime would deter other mash shooters. I see no evidence that this is the case and could easily make the argument that the exact opposite is happening.

The reason to have a "blanket party" is to make those throwing the party feel good and powerful.
:arrow: David Bonn :idea:
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Re: Stalking Post on Methownet BB

Post by mister_coffee »

The lack of action by the Sheriff is kind of disappointing, but not really surprising.

The Sheriff is about twenty percent of Okanogan County's budget and the largest single line item. Maybe it is time for voters to ask some hard questions about what value we are getting for that money.

If you include county jail operations law enforcement takes up about a third of the county budget.
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Re: Stalking Post on Methownet BB

Post by Jingles »

mister_coffee wrote: Tue Jan 09, 2024 5:27 pm We are facing a catastrophic mental health crisis in this country. And at the same time we completely lack any resources and tools to keep people safe from the consequences of that crisis.

Even if this individual hasn't harmed anyone, yet (as far as we know) it doesn't take a genius level IQ to figure out that there will be some serious trouble down the road unless someone does something. Although it isn't clear who can or will.

I fervently hope this situation can be resolved without anyone being harmed.
Not advocating for vigilantism but maybe some one does need to get seriously hurt to send a message this will not be accepted or tolerated in the Methow Valley. In the Military they were called blanket parties and worked quite well and not so well for certain individuals but they learned a lesson that got them straighted out
Last edited by Jingles on Wed Jan 10, 2024 6:07 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Stalking Post on Methownet BB

Post by PAL »

These are the last posts before it was locked.

This is disturbing news....May I suggest that we all have phones,,take pictures, Bruce Herron Wolf Creek
Bruce Herron Wolf Creek

Post by navisradwick1 » Tue Jan 09, 2024 11:12 am

I CARRY a phone in my purse, but I didn't know I was having an issue until after I read this post.
I am going to keep my eyes open.

Post by Jessica » Tue Jan 09, 2024 1:22 pm


Thank you for your post! It creeps me out what is happening right now. Happy to know you are OK! Someone should call the sheriff's department, explain what is happening in Twisp and see if they are willing to patrol here for a few days. I doubt they will, harassing women is acceptable.

May I ask a question? When you were walking on Glover Street yesterday, were you & the silver Honda in the area of the CenturyLink building next to the post office? I am 100% positive that building has a video camera. It is a long shot if the camera captured anything.

Questions for readers of this post:
- Does anyone know businesses that have video camera’s on Glover Street?
- Who does maintenance/house calls for CenturyLink in the Twisp area?
- Does anyone know who has had a CenturyLink visit in the past few weeks?

This data search probably will result in nothing, but a video is out there somewhere. Plan to call some local newspapers to find their resources for video in the area. Found out who NCW Life contracts with for video coverage, now need to find others.

What really needs to be found is a connection to an LPR in the area. Also, there must be an unknown camera collecting data for the intersection of Hwy 2 and Hwy 153. Talked with someone at WSDOT and found out there are an additional 2 cameras in the Pateros area that is not publicly accessible on their web site. Again, these are long shots but a video does exist.

Scary times and thank you!

Jessica Gallegos

Post by navisradwick1 » Tue Jan 09, 2024 3:14 pm

I did call the sheriff's office and told what happened to me, and the girl on Sun. I also mentioned this bulletin board. The dispatcher said she would give this information to the Twisp council, so they can discuss it the next time they meet.

As far as where I was on 4th and Glover, the car that zoomed past, I thought was headed to the post office, since it was near by, and there was not a lot on that street. It drove past me before doing the first u-turn. Later the car also pulled in to the Yo dog, for the second U-turn. I left Yo dog a message.
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Re: Stalking Post on Methownet BB

Post by mister_coffee »

We are facing a catastrophic mental health crisis in this country. And at the same time we completely lack any resources and tools to keep people safe from the consequences of that crisis.

Even if this individual hasn't harmed anyone, yet (as far as we know) it doesn't take a genius level IQ to figure out that there will be some serious trouble down the road unless someone does something. Although it isn't clear who can or will.

I fervently hope this situation can be resolved without anyone being harmed.
:arrow: David Bonn :idea:
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Re: Stalking Post on Methownet BB

Post by pasayten »

If somebody gets a license or pic, this BB can post the pic... Unlike the other BB.
Ray Peterson
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Re: Stalking Post on Methownet BB

Post by PAL »

You are right Jingles but it may not all be because of the "transplants". As a smaller population base you are right that most people knew almost everyone else. It was safer then. And there is no law enforcement presence here, really. So we all have to rely on one another now, which is a good thing. My concern is that one of the parties may get shot.
The last shooting here in the Valley was at the Blue Spruce a number of years ago. Maybe it was the only one!
Just now went to the other BB and it has been locked. No more discussion as per usual. Must have been getting too "heated". The poster was asking about video cams. Another poster said she did call the sheriff to report it, if anything to get it on the record. That's all that can be done now,
because no overt actions were taken by the stalker. But stalking is a crime. Read those statistics.
Pearl Cherrington
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Re: Stalking Post on Methownet BB

Post by Jingles »

Not to downplay the seriousness of the topic but before the Valley became infested with transplants this would not of been an issue as most everyone knew everyone else and what they drove.
Yes there was an occasional exception but for the most part if someone did something nefarious the cops were waiting at their house before they got home
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Stalking Post on Methownet BB

Post by PAL »

Women walkers beware and stay safe.
Post by northcascadecabincare » Sun Jan 07, 2024 1:32 pm

Walkers beware, creepy stalker guy in his 60’s in a silver Mazda like wagon (2009 ish) followed my daughter on Twist River Road and turned around three times, trying to get her to stop and talk to him. She finally had to run to get away. Please be careful and be on the lookout.
Marty Olson


Have you checked the sex offender registry?

Search by city brings up one in Twisp who is 35, but out of compliance and Omak & Okanogan bring up several possibilities.

You can also sign up for email notifications for your area.
Connie Burke - Twisp


So happy to hear your daughter is safe! What she went through makes my skin crawl.

Does anyone know if there are state/local government web cameras on 20 in Twisp? Many intersections have them, they are publicly accessible thru other channels, i.e. access to the government database behind internet security. If so, the car might be recorded on camera. Is there a community group for Twisp River Road? Where one can ask neighbors who has web cams & if any have video of the road?

I doubt that any report can be filed, harassing women is common place & acceptable in our society. But if the license plate number could be found then maybe one can learn more about this individual & his habits.


Jessica Gallegos
Carlton, WA

The onus ought not be on the women, the girls, and the victims. Okanogan County Sheriff's Office, where are you on this case of stalking?

Marty, if you're not getting the response your daughter deserves from the OCSO, I suggest you contact the Criminal Justice Training Commission and file a complaint. Though our county lacks the usual oversight mechanism used in other rural Sheriff's Offices (a County Executive or independent ombudsman), the CJTC is charged with investigating each complaint they receive. It sounds like you're already on alert but I urge you to take this situation seriously and to believe your daughter.

Stalking is a crime. It isn't flattering, sweet, or unrequited love; it is a crime that ruins the lives of women and girls. I'll re-share the statistics I posted recently:

The National Intimate Partner and Sexual Violence Survey (NISVS) reports that about 1 in 3 women and 1 in 6 men have been stalked at some point in their lives. According to the NCADV, 76% of women murdered by an intimate partner were stalked first, while 85% of women who survived murder attempts were stalked. 54% of femicide victims reported stalking to the police before they were killed by their stalkers. 1 in 7 stalking victims has been forced to move because of their victimization.

86% of victims surveyed reported their personalities had changed as a result of being stalked. 37% of stalking victims fulfill the diagnostic criteria for post-traumatic stress disorder, and an additional 18% fulfilled all but one diagnostic criteria.1 in 8 stalking victims has reported losing work because of the stalking. More than half of these victims reported losing 5 or more work days. 1 in 4 stalking victims contemplated suicide. Stalking is a serious crime that is predictive of more violent crimes to come and extreme outcomes for victims.

Raven Aae

Was this reported to the sheriff?

Hi Marty,
Would you be willing to direct message me please?
Thank you,
Leah Kominak

Re: Women walkers beware and stay safe.
Post by navisradwick1 » Mon Jan 08, 2024 3:27 pm

I was on foot, a bit after 10 am, today getting my tires changed, I saw a silver car/short wagon-y type, just like that turn pull over by the Twisp post office, where I was, I didn't think too much of it, I walked down by Yo-dog, and that same car pulled in there and then did a u-by me, Who ever was in the car didn't talk to me though. At the time I thought that person was lost, now I am creeped out.

Just remember, Sisterhood is Powerful.
Thanks Raven, Jessica and others for bringing this to light. The statistics are disturbing and I hadn't really thought that much about this problem. Now by eyes are open.
Pearl Cherrington
Pearl Cherrington
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