Voter Pamphlet Proposition 1 For and Against Statements

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Re: Voter Pamphlet Proposition 1 For and Against Statements

Post by pasayten »

Condensed for printing and handing out to folks...

For statement:
Proposition 1 will establish a recreation district, which will provide leadership and funding for a new pool. The Wagner Pool needs to be replaced due to major structural problems, and lacks sustainable funds.
Public pools build community and protect public health. They support play, health, well-being, and safety for everyone.
Approving this measure will ensure our community has a safe and supervised place for children, adults and seniors to learn to swim, play and exercise.
Voting yes is an investment in our community, public health, safety, and well-being. These are values that build a vibrant community.
Vote YES on Proposition 1.

Rebuttal Against For Statement:
Proposition 1 is not about simply replacing the aging Twisp pool.
Proposition 1 proponents advocate a $25+ million indoor aquatic center costing $1 million per year to operate.
Rural communities like the Methow Valley don't have indoor aquatic centers. They are a poor investment.
A metropolitan recreation district and governing Board not directly elected by taxpayers is the least fiscally responsible approach for replacing our current public pool asset.
Vote NO on Proposition 1

Against Statement:
Proposition 1 is not about simply replacing a community pool. It is about creating a powerful permanent taxing authority (a metropolitan park district) with an unelected governing Board requiring no input from the taxpayers.
Proposition 1 empowers the Board to levy up to $67 million in debt and $2 million in annual taxes.
Proposition 1 proponents advocate a $25+ million indoor aquatic center costing $1 million per year to operate. No comparable rural community in the country has such an indoor aquatic center.
Proposition 1 is not a fiscally responsible approach for replacing a pool. It will significantly increase your taxes and rents. It will burden fixed income seniors and families of limited income.
Proposition 1 will divert community resources to a swim facility benefiting a few at the expense of community priorities like schools, affordable housing or health care.
Vote NO on Proposition 1

Ray Peterson

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