Recall/Don't Re-elect CC Andy Hover?

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Re: Recall/Don't Re-elect CC Andy Hover?

Post by PAL »

Oh, just move along, will ya? ( I am being sarcastic here. I am in a very onery mood today) Sorry for the double post. Something was taking forever. Please delete. I don't think I can.
Pearl Cherrington
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Re: Recall/Don't Re-elect CC Andy Hover?

Post by PAL »

Oh, just move along, will ya? ( I am being sarcastic here. I am in a very onery mood today)
Pearl Cherrington
Fun CH
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Re: Recall/Don't Re-elect CC Andy Hover?

Post by Fun CH »

SOulman wrote: Fri Sep 22, 2023 5:29 pm This transcript simply memorializes the work that elected officials routinely do.

A group presented a proposal, specifically asking for the county board of commissioner's support. The board didn't bite.

The commissioners discussed and thanked the group for their civic effort. The commissioners noted that they would take action in the future if needed.

Move along. Nothing to see here.

Steve Oulman

except this

"AH: A recreation district was put on the ballot years ago and it failed. I think that (now) they’ve
done a good job on outlining, having safeguards."

What safeguards Andy? Good job outlining, really?

And this:

"MM: …We’re going with a board of five appointed commissioners. We need the County’s support."

The FOP got that support from the commissioners. If this passes or not, the voters in this county will know that the commissioners agreed to sign an inner local agreement, and are willing to support raising property taxes for a luxury Mega pool/spa complex that serves the special interest of a small group of people and businesses that cater to the tourist industry.

Thanks for posting that Pearl.
What's so funny 'bout peace love and understanding--Nick Lowe
Can't talk to a man who don't want to understand--Carol King
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Re: Recall/Don't Re-elect CC Andy Hover?

Post by SOulman »

This transcript simply memorializes the work that elected officials routinely do.

A group presented a proposal, specifically asking for the county board of commissioner's support. The board didn't bite.

The commissioners discussed and thanked the group for their civic effort. The commissioners noted that they would take action in the future if needed.

Move along. Nothing to see here.

Steve Oulman
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Re: Recall/Don't Re-elect CC Andy Hover?

Post by PAL »

Here is the discussion at the County Commissioners meeting June 20th, 2023 and the people in attendance with their initials so you can tell who is speakning.

Chris Branch (CB), BOCC District 1 (via Zoom)
Jon Neil (JN), BOCC District 3
Laney Johns (LJ), Clerk of the Board
Miles Milliken (MM), Twisp City Council
Shelley Keitzman (SK)
Pamela Johnson (PJ), Treasurer
Cari Hall (CH), Auditor
Nicole Orr, Support Services
David Rodriguez, Coroner
Lauri Jones (LJ), Public Health
Paul Budrow (PB), Sheriff
Mike Worden (MW), Dispatch Center
Pete Palmer, Planning Director
Kathleen Descoteaux, Juvenile and Family Services
Karen Beatty (KB), Central Services
Lisa Schreckengost (LS), Financial Manager

1:34 - Twisp residents are asking for the construction of an indoor swimming pool complex
which would be administrated by a metropolitan park district.
MM: …We’re going with a board of five appointed commissioners. We need the County’s
support. Voters are out with a petition. We only need 1,500 signatures to get this on the ballot.
We have one more month and we already have 900 signatures, plus local business sponsors.
CB: If the community wants to vote a tax, I’m for it. In Omak, the RV park pays for most of the
pool. I believe in Twisp you can keep a pool going.
AH: They would be using a levy.
MM: … A levy amount of $.75/$1,000 of assessed value would generate $1.7M.
AH: The verbiage on the ballot doesn’t give a rate.
MM: The Board of Commissioners will decide the percentage. People will vote to be levied up
to $.75/$1,000. That’s the biggest question in determining how people will vote. The tax
implications. So many moving parts. …I’m here to get a sense of your thoughts on the interlocal agreement as drafted for the ballot in November.
CB: What you’d like to see from us now is support for the endeavor.
MM: Plus feedback, and eventually a resolution to adopt that agreement. I’m working through
questions on this with Twisp and Winthrop Winthrop will decide on this after we receive the
AH: A recreation district was put on the ballot years ago and it failed. I think that (now) they’ve
done a good job on outlining, having safeguards.

CB: I saw “ex-officio members”.
MM: That’s the formation process for this board, using an appointment process.
AH (reading): Two city council members, one from Twisp and one from Winthrop, the District
2 County Commissioner and two at large positions chosen by the Twisp and Winthrop city
council members.
MM: It will be a year-round indoor complex with two pools, one full size for competition, the
other warmer and shallower for younger and older users. There’s talk of having doors that open
up to the outside. We’re looking at a broader base than just the Methow.
AH: I don’t know about a motion to support it. I will sign the inter-local agreement if taxpayers
give enough signatures to go ahead with it.

MM: I’ll follow up when we get the signatures and get back with whatever changes have been
made. MM leaves.
2:00 - Department H
Pearl Cherrington
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Re: Recall/Don't Re-elect CC Andy Hover?

Post by PAL »

That's it, I will find the Countywatch minutes which have the exact conversation that was had by all the Commissioners. Then y'all can judge for yourselves and interpret what they said.
Pearl Cherrington
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Re: Recall/Don't Re-elect CC Andy Hover?

Post by Jingles »

Be he in favor or opposed to the MPD Prop1 and the way it was falsely presented to petition signers to get it on the Ballot, the truth be told as a commissioner he does have authority to have the Auditor Question the validity of the petition and if false information was given to signers to get signatures seems he and the other Commissioners would have the authority to have it removed from the ballot or the correct reason for Prop 1 identified on the ballot.
IMO Andy Hover is just another bottom dwelling politican that does what benefits him, Commissioners have been sitting on making some decisions for over 3 years because they are afraid to offend a certain group of people, in the valley, that have boocoo lawyers available and threaten to sue if they (the commission) make a decision they the organization does not like. Has happened several times already. So yes Hover needs to go
Vern Herrst
PS yes I know probably not making many friends but it you don't stand for something you'll fall for anything
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Re: Recall/Don't Re-elect CC Andy Hover?

Post by SOulman »

I don't believe that Comm. Hover warrants criticism about Proposition 1. It is not his proposal.

I spoke with him earlier this summer. The first thing he said to me was that he did not want to see taxes raised. He said he would use an indoor pool for exercise if one were built. He said he would not take a position as county commissioner on Proposition 1. If it passes, he and fellow commissioners will be involved with an interlocal agreement and appointment of district commissioners. There is little else to say.

The position of Comm. Hover or any other elected official is irrelevant at this point. I would be surprised if any elected official takes a position for or against the measure. They certainly won't do so representing their elected office or their jurisdiction.

Steve Oulman
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Re: Recall/Don't Re-elect CC Andy Hover?

Post by PAL » has the minutes to that meeting where the commissioners said that, Andy being one of them. If I have time I can find the meeting minutes. I believe it was last month or July sometime.
They did say only if it passed. But they could also not go along with it.
Pearl Cherrington
Fun CH
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Recall/Don't Re-elect CC Andy Hover?

Post by Fun CH »

When I spoke to Blue Bradley, co-chair of the friends of the pool board, last Saturday she told me that Andy Hover supported proposition 1 to build a Mega pool.

I don't know about you but I didn't vote for a Republican that would support raising my property taxes for a luxury Mega pool that most here will never use.

Whether this passes or not let it be known county wide that Andy, who I voted for twice, supports this bad idea Metropolitan Park District. He did say that he would support the Mega pool if the voters pass prop 1.

Is it true what Blue is saying Andy? Or is the FOP fabricating yet another untruth?

Yes or No Andy? Time to step up.
What's so funny 'bout peace love and understanding--Nick Lowe
Can't talk to a man who don't want to understand--Carol King
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